Seasons for Growth

handsSeasons for Growth is a successful education programme used around the world that gives children the opportunity to learn that change, loss and grief are normal and valuable parts of life. The programme provides children with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and manage their individual experiences.

At Liberton Primary, we will shortly be beginning further sessions of the Seasons for Growth programme, which we have successfully run in previous years. We will be running two groups, made up of children from P5 to P7. The first group will run from October to January and will be led by Miss Marjoribanks and Mrs Cook, and the second group led by Ms James and Ms Forrest will run from January to March.

Seasons for Growth explores important concepts such as change, loss, feelings, coping, memories and decision making and support networks. At Liberton, the Seasons for Growth Group meet regularly to take part in enjoyable, creative and safe learning experiences.

The children have been given the opportunity to make a self-referral if they feel that taking part in the programme would be useful. Please take a look at this letter written by Miss Marjoribanks for more detail on how the groups will work at Liberton.

Further information can be found by downloading the flyer (in two pages) here and here.


Seasons for Growth

seasons goodSeasons for Growth is a successful education programme used around the world that gives children the opportunity to learn that change, loss and grief are normal and valuable parts of life. The programme provides children with the knowledge, skills and attitudes to understand and manage their individual experiences.

At Liberton Primary, we will shortly be beginning further sessions of the Seasons for Growth programme, which we have successfully run in previous years. Ms Mackintosh and Ms James will be leading these sessions, and the children can choose to refer themselves if they’d like to join the group. Seasons for Growth explores important concepts such as change, loss, feelings, coping, memories and decision making and support networks. At Liberton, the Seasons for Growth Group meet regularly to take part in enjoyable, creative and safe learning experiences.

Further information can be found by downloading the flyer (in two pages) here and here.