Weekly Newsletter 31st May 2024

LPSA Summer Fair tomorrow 1st June 2024 11am to 1pm – See you there!

Highlights from this week at Liberton Primary

  • This week we have been celebrating STEM Week across the school.  Children will get a chance to take part in various challenges relating to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics including pizza box solar ovens and reclaimed material wind turbines.  P2s have been working on a very timely challenge of building a house that can withstand a rainstorm!
  • Unfortunately the wet weather hit more of our activities this week with the Interscholastics cancelled, the Inspectors’ Cup matches postponed and Sports Day also being rescheduled.
  • On Tuesday Primary 6A visited the Fruitmarket Gallery to work with our Artist in Residence.  They created sculptures inspired by the Martin Boyce exhibition at the gallery.
  • On Tuesday we had our final Libby Leaders session of the year.  Throughout the year the children have had the chance to take part in the following groups:  Eco, Equalities and Rights, Road Safety, Biodiversity, Poems for the Planet, Cartooning for the Planet, Upcycling Textiles, Community Links, Minecraft Eco World, Outdoor Learning, and Promoting Reading. The groups have all contributed fabulously towards our work on sustainability.
  • On Wednesday the children thoroughly enjoyed M&M Theatre Company’s presentation of The Wizard of Oz.  Our Primary 7s also took part in a stagecraft workshop with the M&M cast in preparation for their own performance of Shrek: The Musical next month.
  • Also this week children in P4 and P5 finished their taster sessions at Craigmillar Tennis Clubs.  The children all thoroughly enjoyed these lessons and we are grateful to the club for offering this opportunity to the school.

Coming up

  • Tomorrow we will be having our Summer Fair from 11am to 1pm.  We look forward to seeing you all there.
  • Good luck to our P7 football team as they take part in the rescheduled semi-finals of the Inspectors Cup on Monday.
  • On Wednesday afternoon parents and carers will have a chance to see all the amazing work that our P6 classes have done with the Fruitmarket Gallery Artist in Residence programme at their showcase event.
  • Also on Wednesday the architect team leading the construction of the new Liberton High School will be working with P7s as a follow up to STEM week.
  • On Thursday we will have our second attempt at Sports Day.  If we have to postpone again then we will try for the 10th or 11th June (depending on the forecast).

Moving house or school

We are already making plans for the next school year.  The summertime can be a popular time for families moving home or changing schools.  If your child is not returning to Liberton Primary next session please inform the school office so that we can make sure all information is handed on to their new school.

Cameron Toll Community Fund

Thank you to Cameron Toll Shopping Centre for donating £500 to our school library.  Our Promoting Reading Libby Leaders group had a fabulous time visiting Waterstones to spend the cash.  They came back to school with a great hoard of new books.

Welfare and Financial Support Booklet

See attachment for an excellent booklet with advice on benefits and financial support and advice in the local area.  This has been shared by St Catherine’s Primary and they have kindly offered for our parents to attend their confidential welfare and benefits sessions.

School Library – Book donations request

We are always trying to increase the book collection in the school library with more current and up-to-date books.  If you would like to donate a book, we have a book wish list – some requested by children as well.  Just click on this link and order away:

Dates for your diary

Thursday 6th June                                             P1-7 Sports Day – 9.20am to 11.45am

Friday 7th June                                                  Reports issued to parents

Tues – Thurs 18th to 20th June                        P7 Transition Days

Wednesday 19th June                                      Classes meet teachers for next session

Friday 28th June                                                Last day of term (usual Friday dismissal times)

Liberton Primary School Association

LPSA Uniform Recycling Scheme – Uniform Request Form

Our aim is to promote the recycling of uniform and make school life as sustainable as possible and so all uniform donated to the LPSA is available free of charge for anyone who could make use of it.  

You’ll find the link to our online ordering form here (https://forms.gle/CzzV9pPQabMNjMiBA).  

On submitting a form, the LPSA will check our donations and get in touch with you directly to let you know what we have. It couldn’t be simpler! 

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